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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sheriff Deputy Kills A Mentally Ill Man In Jackson

Ok, this angers me to the point that I really have no analysis, no comments, no words at all. I'm just going to post a couple of excerpts and leave links to the four or five articles about the "incident" that were published by the Clarion-Ledger.

Family begged deputy not to shoot

(i added the bold/italics)

A Jackson man shot and killed by a Hinds County Sheriff's deputy had threatened to kill family members and had pulled a knife on police at his home last week, according to an affidavit.
But family members of 67-year-old K.C. Battle, who they said had a history of mental illness, maintain he made no threatening move toward the law officer on Monday and should not have been shot.

"I begged them. 'Please don't shoot him,' " a crying Mattie Graves said about an hour after her brother was killed at the 3526 Cromwell St. home they shared. "They could have Tasered him. They didn't have to shoot him."

Capt. Ken Magee of the Hinds County Sheriff's Department said that when two deputies arrived to serve papers on Battle about 11 a.m., Battle wouldn't put down a knife and attempted to attack them.

Only one of the deputies, however, fired after the other had left the room where Battle was, according to a family member.

Battle was shot four times, once in the stomach, once in the face area and twice in the chest, Hinds County Coroner Sharon Grisham-Stewart said.

Continued at: http://www.clarionledger.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2008805130368

Three more articles on the killing:

Hinds deputy shoots, kills man

Family decries man's killing by deputy

...The family of a mentally ill man who was shot and killed Monday by a Hinds County sheriff’s deputy are speaking out against the use of force this evening at a news conference in their community.

The family, along with City Councilman Kenneth Stokes, are at Mt. Mariah Missionary Baptist Church on Medgar Evers Boulevard, less than a mile from the home where K.C. Battle was killed.Officials with the Hinds County Sheriff’s Department said the shooting occurred after deputies arrived at Battle’s Cromwell Road home on Monday morning to serve papers. Battle, they said, threatened a deputy with a knife...

...He [K.C. Battle] had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia decades ago and had been sent to the state hospital in Whitfield. Pullen said she did not recall exactly when he had been committed but that pepper spray kept her brother from resisting.“He didn’t know the deputies were coming. We didn’t tell him,” Pullen said. “We thought it would be like last time where they sprayed him and cuffed him. We didn’t think they would shoot him.” ...

Family offers shooting details

...The shooting is under investigation by the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation, and the results will be turned over to the Hinds County district attorney. Meanwhile, according to protocol, both deputies have been placed on paid administration leave.

Jackson City Council President Leslie Burl McLemore called local law enforcement "trigger happy" Tuesday and said he was concerned he is seeing a trend of officer-involved shootings in the metro area.

"We need to make sure our law enforcement is about the business of serving and protecting and not trying to eliminate people," McLemore said. He also called on JPD and the Sheriff's Department to be more transparent about its officer-involved shooting investigations...

Much Love To All

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