Saturday, July 10, 2004
An upcoming film, OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism, purports to expose the Republican/Right Wing bias of the Fox News Channel. Click here for a run down of the NYC showing and some more tidbits. (sarcasm)I must say, I'm incredibly shocked. Fox News, a company owned by renowned non-politico Rupert Murdoch, would be biased toward the Republicans. Wow, I'm so blown away.(/sarcasm)
Those of you who know about HTML will laugh hilariously now. The other 2 of you, go learn to code.
An upcoming film, OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism, purports to expose the Republican/Right Wing bias of the Fox News Channel. Click here for a run down of the NYC showing and some more tidbits. (sarcasm)I must say, I'm incredibly shocked. Fox News, a company owned by renowned non-politico Rupert Murdoch, would be biased toward the Republicans. Wow, I'm so blown away.(/sarcasm)
Those of you who know about HTML will laugh hilariously now. The other 2 of you, go learn to code.
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